Starting out? New to Solibar?
When you finally make the switch to Solibar we know it’s not always an easy road for everyone. Some people find that they are able to achieve instant results and others can take quite some time to adjust. Both are completely normal and just an indication of your journey on the road to healthy haircare. 🌿

What we do know is that over the time we’ve been working hard to deliver you the best option for solid haircare is that everyone is different. Not only do we have different hair types but we have also used different products in our haircare journey. It’s the dissatisfaction with these products that has led you to seek an alternative haircare option like Solibar.
We’ve also learnt that previous product build-up is really hard to combat, especially if that product is packed full of silicones that ‘plastic wrap’ your hair shaft and end up doing more damage than good. Silicones are easy to spot via the word ‘CONE’ but they’re not easy to get rid of. See more here.
Solibar’s range of soap-based natural shampoo and conditioner bars are made from the finest natural ingredients and are detergent-free, they’re also sulphate-free (even free from the ‘coco-sulphates’), and paraben-free. Without these stripping ingredients, the bars work with your natural oils and help to regulate a healthy scalp - as intended by nature. Solibar is actually a lot like moving towards the Curly Girl or No-Poo Method which actively advocates avoiding washing your hair with shampoo altogether.
There are some little tips with the transition process that can help you to achieve that incredible hair that everyone is raving about online. (Check out the reviews here).
- Brush your hair before you wash. - This is a really simple one that will help you to not only wash more effectively but help to remove any hair fall or dander from your strands. A good brush will also gently massage your scalp, stimulate your capillaries and oxygenate your hair follicles. But most importantly you can remove any knots in your hair prior to washing.
- Get the shampoo REALLY lathery. - To do this we recommend for thicker hair rubbing the Solibar directly into your scalp (avoiding any shower spray). Take some time here. Lift up the corners of your hair or divide it into two to get the bar right to the scalp. Your Solibar should foam up after a couple of rubs and you should be able to continue to move the lather around your head. We pay attention to the feel of the hair as we do it. At first, you might feel sticky or clingy, or maybe even oily. Once you move through transition your hair will feel light and fluffy when touched with the lather. Others with finer or shorter hair will be able to lather the bar in their hands before applying the lather to your head. Both ways will work, just find the right one for you.
- Rinse and shampoo again! We’re serious about this one. Not only will you get a better lather on the second wash, but you will reach any of the places that you have glossed over on the first.
If you are still transitioning - go for a third shampoo! We highly recommend this one. Once you go in for the third wash and your hair finally beats transition (previous product build-up is gone) - you will be scrubbing and there will be a moment of soft and fluffy feeling and you’ve done it. See Vicki’s post from the Solibar Society below.
- Try an apple cider vinegar rinse! We recommend an acid rinse to help you move through transition or if you feel your scalp is a little built up. After shampooing is the perfect spot to do it. We recommend 1:3 ratio with ACV to water. If you have fine hair you can try white vinegar or bi-carb soda as the ACV can be very moistuiring. There is a list of other options here. We like to leave it on for a minute to sink and then rise. Some other tips about the miracle that is ACV here.
- Get to the conditioner! As Solibar shampoo does not contain any stripping detergents you might not need to use conditioner at all. (WHY) There are many who do not. But if you are like us and love that extra smooth feeling, we suggest you grab yourself a Solibar conditioner but you only need the smallest amount. Keep it below the ears as sometimes if you condition too high you might find that your hair is doubly nourished. Also if you have used an acid rinse keep the conditioner to a very minimum as the rinse will also condition.
- Rinse and brush! Make sure that you rinse out any of the conditioner first. Then gently brush the water through your hair. It’s a great chance to get rid of any knots that are sticking around. Use a wide-toothed comb or a wooden brush. Be gentle. You do not want to break your hair by being too rough.
- Towel dry and set - Gently pat a towel through your hair being careful not to break any strands. We use this moment to find and set your part. It’s a great time to do another gentle brush to aerate the strands and set into position.
- Hair dry on COOL - Heat tools can be damaging to hair strands, so if you are going to dry your hair we recommend using the cool setting. It’s another great way aerate the strands and give your hair a little bounce.
- Always notice how your hair feels - If it’s feeling a little dense or heavy its might be time for another acid rinse. If it is dry and sticky - likely there is still a lot of previous product build-up reacting with the bars. We suggest grabbing the $4 Tea Tree clarifying shampoo from the supermarket for the next wash.
While you are making the transition to a healthy haircare alternative like Solibar it is important to give your hair time to adjust to a new way of washing that is detergent-free. But don’t just take our word for it, check out all of our incredible reviews here.